Well, sorry all Finnish people if there is any error... I wanted to say" today, 28 february, is the Kalevala Day, Happy day to all the Finns!!! I am not sure about Suomalaisille.
Hoy es el día del Kalevala, poesía épica recopilada por Elias Lönnrot, equivalente a lo que puede ser "El Quijote" o "El Poema del Mío Cid" en España, de una importancia máxima. Tengo que decir que, sorprendentemente, me ha gustado el comienzo del libro, me lo regalaron en inglés y lo leo de vez en cuando, de poco en poco para no empacharme. Es muy denso pero bonito.
Today is the Kalevala Daym epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot, equivalent in importance to "ElQuijote" or "El Poema del Mío Cid" in Spain. I have to say, that, surprisingly, I have liked the beginning of the book, I got it as a present, and I read it from time to time, not to get an excess. It is very dense, but also beautiful.
Aquí está el comienzo del mismo:
Here is the start of the book:
I. In the Beginning
I have a good mind
take into my head
to start off singing
begin reciting
And so on. Beautiful, isn't it?
I have a good mind
take into my head
to start off singing
begin reciting
reeling off a tale of kin
and singing a tale of kind.
The words unfreeze in my mouth
and the phrases are tumbling
upon my tongue they scramble
along my teeth they scatter.
Brother dear, little brother
fair one that grew up with me
start off now singing with me
begin reciting with me
since we have got together
since we have come from two ways!
We seldom get together
and singing a tale of kind.
The words unfreeze in my mouth
and the phrases are tumbling
upon my tongue they scramble
along my teeth they scatter.
Brother dear, little brother
fair one that grew up with me
start off now singing with me
begin reciting with me
since we have got together
since we have come from two ways!
We seldom get together
and meet each other
on these poor borders
the luckless lands of the North.
on these poor borders
the luckless lands of the North.
And so on. Beautiful, isn't it?